Military Symbols and Armbands

Quackers Kingdom Army (Armee des Quackers-Königreichs) Ranks:

Enlisted Ranks:

  1. Gefreiter – Private First Class (essentially a step above the basic private)
  2. Obergefreiter – Senior Private
  3. Hauptgefreiter – Leading Private
  4. Stabsgefreiter – Staff Private (often in administrative or support roles)

Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs):

  1. Unteroffizier – Corporal
  2. Stabsunteroffizier – Staff Sergeant
  3. Feldwebel – Sergeant Major (the highest NCO rank)
  4. Oberfeldwebel – Senior Sergeant Major
  5. Hauptfeldwebel – Senior Sergeant Major (often with specific leadership or administrative duties)
  6. Stabsfeldwebel – Staff Sergeant Major


  1. Leutnant – Second Lieutenant
  2. Oberleutnant – First Lieutenant
  3. Hauptmann – Captain
  4. Major – Major
  5. Oberstleutnant – Lieutenant Colonel
  6. Oberst – Colonel

General Officers:

  1. Generalmajor – Major General
  2. Generalleutnant – Lieutenant General
  3. General – General

Above: Military Armband Enlisted - Officers

Above: General Officer Armband

Imperial Quackers Navy (Kaiserliche Quacksalber-Marine) Ranks

Enlisted Ranks

  1. Matrose – Seaman
  2. Obermatrose – Leading Seaman
  3. Bootsmann – Boatswain
  4. Oberbootsmann – Senior Boatswain
  5. Hauptbootsmann – Chief Boatswain

Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks

  1. Stabsbootsmann – Staff Boatswain
  2. Oberstabsbootsmann – Senior Staff Boatswain

Officer Ranks

  • Leutnant zur See – Ensign (Junior Officer)
  • Oberleutnant zur See – Lieutenant (Senior Officer)
  • Kapitänleutnant – Lieutenant Commander
  • Korvettenkapitän – Commander
  • Fregattenkapitän – Frigate Captain
  • Kapitän zur See – Captain (equivalent to Colonel in the Army)
  • Konteradmiral – Rear Admiral
  • Vizeadmiral – Vice Admiral
  • Admiral – Admiral
  • Großadmiral – Grand Admiral (highest naval rank, very rarely awarded)

Above: Navy Armband

QK Freikorps Ranks

Enlisted Ranks

  1. Schütze or Soldat (Private) – The basic enlisted soldier rank.
  2. Gefreiter (Corporal) – The first rank above private.
  3. Obergefreiter (Senior Corporal) – A senior enlisted rank, typically one step above Gefreiter.
  4. Wachtmeister (Sergeant) – A standard NCO rank, more common in the Prussian army but used in the Freikorps as well.
  5. Unterfeldwebel (Junior Sergeant Major) – A slightly lower rank, often a deputy to the Feldwebel.
  6. Feldwebel (Sergeant Major) – The senior NCO, responsible for the discipline and order of a unit.

Officer Ranks

  1. Oberleutnant (Senior Lieutenant) – A rank between Lieutenant and Captain.
  2. Leutnant (Lieutenant) – A junior officer rank, often in charge of a platoon.
  3. Hauptmann (Captain) – A senior officer rank, usually in charge of a company.
  4. Oberführer (Senior Leader) – Similar to a senior officer rank, sometimes used for commanding officers of larger groups.
  5. Führer (Leader) – Often the title for the commanding officer, particularly in smaller units or specific Freikorps groups.

Special/Other Titles

  • Sturmführer (Storm Leader) – In some units, this title was used for leaders of smaller groups or units engaged in frontline combat, especially in the more radical or extremist Freikorps.
  • Ehrenführer (Honorary Leader) – Sometimes used for honorary or ceremonial leaders.

Above: QK Freikorps Rank Armband

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